TEND physical therapy & massage
our work is rooted in many disciplines and practices
At TEND we honor multiple, layered and diverse experiences, and each body’s implicit capacities to heal. We accompany each client into and through their processes, in order to support new understanding for our embodied experience. TEND is an environment for learning and growth, which we navigate through curious, compassionate attention within clients and practitioners alike.
our work
A body is the sum total of complex relationships between complex systems. We, at TEND, believe that healing from and preventing injury requires an understanding of these complexities from as many angles as possible. Our approach combines osteopathic manual medicine, exercise science, somatics, and energy medicine.
our team
At TEND we accompany each client in a process and through their individual wellness journeys. With attuned skilled touch, and compassionate attention, we mitigate strain and stress to support healing. We’re passionate about helping clients develop empowered relationships to their body. TEND is an environment for learning and growth.
our blog
From time to time we share informational pieces on how to work through specific physical conditions as well as deep dives into concepts we feel passionate about in fitness, bodywork, and rehabilitation.
The TEND blog is currently down for maintenance. Please check back soon for updates.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.